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Serverless Deployment

This guide explains how to deploy the Go REST API using the Serverless Framework with AWS Lambda.


  • Node.js and npm installed
  • Serverless Framework CLI installed (npm install -g serverless)
  • AWS CLI configured with your credentials


The following files in the /deployments/serverless directory are used for the serverless deployment:

  • serverless.yml: Main configuration file for the Serverless Framework
  • Makefile: Contains commands to build and deploy the application
  • main.go: The Lambda function entry point

Deployment Steps

  1. Navigate to the serverless deployment directory:

    cd deployments/serverless
  2. Build the Go binary:

    make build
  3. Deploy the application:

    make deploy

    This command will package your application and deploy it to AWS Lambda using the Serverless Framework.

  4. After successful deployment, you'll see output with details about your Lambda function and API Gateway endpoint.


The serverless.yml file contains the configuration for your serverless deployment. Key points:

  • The service name is set to go-rest-api
  • It's configured to deploy to the us-east-1 region by default
  • The Lambda function is named api and uses the go1.x runtime
  • An API Gateway is set up to trigger the Lambda function
  • The API paths are defined to route requests to the Lambda function

Makefile Commands

The Makefile provides the following commands:

  • make build: Compiles the Go application for AWS Lambda
  • make deploy: Deploys the application using Serverless Framework
  • make remove: Removes the deployed application from AWS


To customize the deployment:

  1. Modify the serverless.yml file to change AWS region, function name, or API Gateway settings.
  2. Update the main.go file if you need to change the Lambda function's behavior.
  3. Adjust the Makefile if you need to modify the build or deployment process.

Accessing the API

After deployment, you can access your API using the URL provided in the Serverless Framework output. It will look something like:
