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Token Middleware

The Token Middleware, defined in token.go, is responsible for validating authentication tokens and retrieving user profiles. It works in conjunction with the Auth Middleware to provide a complete authentication solution. This middleware ensures that only valid tokens are accepted and provides user profile information for authenticated requests.


This middleware is built as an example using GitHub API. It requires to be modified to work with other authentication services.

Key Features

  • Validates tokens using an external authentication service
  • Retrieves and parses user profiles
  • Implements token caching for improved performance
  • Supports different profile structures (e.g., GitHub profiles)

Token Validation Process

  1. Retrieve the token from the request context (set by Auth Middleware)
  2. Check the token cache for a valid, non-expired entry
  3. If not in cache, validate the token using the external TOKEN_URL
  4. Parse the user profile from the validation response
  5. Cache the validated token and profile
  6. Set the user profile in the request context

Usage in Routes

protected := r.Group("/api/v1")
protected.Use(middleware.AuthMiddleware(), middleware.VerifyToken())